
Script for interview about Hello Neighbour 

Listen now to behind-the-scenes interviews with the cast and directors of Hello Neighbour, out now on Spotify.  

Interviewer: So where did the inspiration for Hello Neighbour come from? 

Director: Erm I think... with the quarantine and lockdown that has been going on, I thought it would be interesting to explore how isolation can impact an individual’s psyche. And I think within this film you get to see the extent of imaginations... but also get to question what is real and what isn’t as you follow the character. I’m also a big fan of mysteries, myself. 

Interviewer: I bet the film feels more contemporary for it. How did you find filming with all these restrictions? 

Director: Um it was difficult with the circumstances and the social distancing, but with the few actors we had it was easier to manage than perhaps a full involvement film. I expect if anything it added to the atmosphere of the film seeing as everyone was already feeling isolated, much like our main character. 

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